Become a Sponsor

Sponsors get extensive opportunities to talk face-to-face with leaders in industrial automation and OT cybersecurity about their needs and challenges. When you sponsor an ISA event, you position your company as a trusted solution resource who understands and provides the latest technologies and trends. If you have questions, email us at



One Available
20,000 USD

  • Technology demo presentation – 30 minutes (includes Q&A session)
  • Reception sponsor – beverages and snack for in-person attendees (preconference evening or first night of conference, first come, first serve)
  • Opportunity to provide exclusive logo item to conference reception attendees
  • Two 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit spaces, prime location (in-person and app)
  • Registration / Lanyard / Goodie bag sponsor
  • Ad in app program
  • Ten conference passes; additional may be purchased at 50% discount
  • Registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)


Four Available
15,000 USD

  • Technology demo presentation – 30 minutes (includes Q&A session)
  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
  • Materials for goodie bag
  • Six conference passes; additional may be purchased at 50% discount
  • Registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)


Two Available
12,000 USD

  • Lunch Sponsor (includes speaker introduction and two slides, pick day one or day two)
  • 60-second video welcome message (virtual only)
  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
  • Materials for goodie bag
  • Six conference passes; additional may be purchased at 50% discount
  • Registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)

Conference eBook Sponsor

15,000 USD

  • Sole sponsor of conference ebook, a digital publication which is a compilation of articles produced from conference sessions
  • Contribute a non-promotional, technical whitepaper or article aligned with the ebook topic.
  • Includes one or more full-page ads in the ebook with live links
  • Ebooks to be published in PDF format and distributed to ISA, audiences and media subscribers.
  • Sponsor receives leads from ebook downloads (400-500 leads typical)
  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space (in-person and app, optional)
  • Two conference passes
  • Registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)

Signage Sponsor for ISA Training / Workshop

One Available
6,000 USD

  • Sponsors training, workshop, tour or other special event, signage recognition
  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space (in-person and app)
  • Two conference passes
  • Registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (logo will not be included on ISA training materials) (earlier commitment equals more exposure)

Gala Sponsor

60,000 USD

  • Sponsors dinner for Honors & Awards Gala dinner (includes speaker introduction and two slides)
  • Logo on gala menu and program
  • Tickets for 10 attendees to Honors & Awards Gala dinner
  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space (in-person and app)
  • Two conference passes
  • Registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)

Reception Sponsor

Two Available, One Per Day
10,000 USD

  • Sponsors coffee breaks/snacks for in-person audience (pick morning or afternoon, pick day one or day two)
  • Opportunity to provide exclusive logo item to conference reception attendees
  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space (in person and app)
  • Two conference passes
  • Receive registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)

Break Sponsor

Three Available, Two Per Day
8,000 USD

  • Sponsors coffee breaks/snacks for in person audience (pick morning or afternoon, pick day one or day two)
  • Opportunity to provide exclusive logo item to conference reception attendees
  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space (in-person and app)
  • Two conference passes
  • Receive registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)

Booth Sponsor

5,000 USD

  • One 8' x 8' tabletop exhibit space (in-person and app)
  • Two conference passes
  • Receive registration contact information
  • Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
  • Minimum six-foot skirted table with two chairs